Woo hoo! Thank you family and friends for helping us cross that $1000 milestone on our Kickstarter project! We are well on our way to pass the $2000 mark! Let’s see if we can do it by the end of the day! If you haven’t already, please donate to our Kickstarter project and you can pre-order an AMAZING book by me and Brittain Scott! Here is the link to donate: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/peculiarpumpkinbook/the-peculiar-book-of-pumpkin-poetry! Even $5! I know you have $5… 🙂 …We REALLY appreciate your support more than you know!!!! <3
***Please share our Kickstarter page so we can reach as many people as possible!!!***
Thanks so much to those who have donated so far!! And I’ve noticed that a some people are saying they’ll buy a book AFTER we print/publish these books, but we need you all to know that we CANNOT publish/print these books unless we get fully FUNDED through our Kickstarter page! So it’s VERY important that if you want to help us reach our goal, you need to pre-order the books through our Kickstarter page RIGHT NOW! That money will be used to fund the printing of these books, which means you’ll wind up with a unique book you and your family can cherish for years to come! Remember, any amount helps! So go to our page, and click on the rewards you’d like, and donate! Thanks!!!
If this helps sway your decision a little- here is a peek at one of our characters from The Peculiar Book of Pumpkin Poetry – “Sleeping Stan,” who sleeps all he can, for a very clever reason…: