New Here?

So you’re probably wondering what kind of website you have just stumbled into – feather painting, 3D pumpkin carving, art tips, supply reviews, featured artists….yeah, I’d be wondering too. Quite honestly, I still wonder myself some days. 🙂  I guess to sum it up, it’s an adventure! (With lots of valuable information/tips all mixed in along the way.) I offer art supply reviews, art tips/tricks, and I even do giveaways from time to time! Feel free to subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss any of the awesome updates or giveways coming in the near future! (2015 is going to be freakin’ AWESOME!!!! Lots of BIG things coming!!)


When I first started this blog my original intention was to focus solely on feather painting and acrylic painting. I also use it as a means to share all of the unorthodox art tips and tricks I have learned over the years. And since learning is a never-ending process, I am constantly sharing new things I am learning along the way.


For most of the year I focus mostly on feather painting, and general acrylic painting. But come Fall (And even a few months prior to that) my full attention turns to sculpting pumpkins. They are both something I truly enjoy doing and sharing with others.


Feel free to browse around my website – you never know what you are going to find! You can check out the art supply reviews or painting tips/tricks, or you can start with my most recent blog post ( also at the top of the page, on the home screen) and work your way back.


Also, I feature lots of amazing artists on my website –

If you are interested in becoming a featured artist on, just send me an e-mail at (Featured Artist inquires only please. For all other art-related inquires and comments, please contact me here) and tell me a little about yourself and your art medium, along with 3-5 images (JPEG format is preferred) of examples of your work – and if you have an online portfolio please include the link to that as well.

NOTE: Your artwork does not have to be pumpkin carving, feather painting or Native American-related – All art forms are welcome!

If you are selected as a featured artist I will notify you via e-mail with additional information.


By the way, if you have a specific art-related question, feel free to check out my FAQ page . And if your question isn’t answered, or if you have an idea for a certain topic to be covered in a future post please feel free to send me an e-mail and let me know – I love suggestions!


Thank you for viewing and I hope you enjoy my blog! 🙂



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