This one is for all the kiddos out there!!! (And the kiddos-at-heart!) I made this pumpkin a few days ago for my son’s school Fall Festival. I wanted to do something very kid-friendly and something they would recognize.
This pumpkin was a bit rushed though – I only had about 3 hours to carve and paint it, AND the walls were VERY thin in this pumpkin – so I couldn’t carve it nearly as deep as I would have liked. The eyes were literally hanging on by shreds, which is why the eyes are a bit lumpy – they were just falling apart every time I stuck my paring knife in to carve them.
But no biggie – it was all for kids, and they definitely got a kick out of it (and so did the adults)! This is my kid’s favorite pumpkin to date, for obvious reasons – literally! – It has been they only character I’ve carved that they could recognize and identify with. Haha. But they, like many kids, are huge Kung Fu Panda fans – so I just KNEW this had to be my next pumpkin! And although it is currently sitting out on our front porch drying out and looking pretty worse for the wear, they still have the biggest smile on their faces every time they walk by to see him – and that is where my sheer joy of doing this kicks in. 🙂
And if anyone is wondering, the “dumplings” are just small white Casper pumpkins that I cut the stems off of and put on a plate. Then I painted some wooden chopsticks red and added them in for effect. (And I’m obviously on a bit of an airbrushing kick right now, so yeah, I painted him. Not my best paint job, but maybe one day I’ll revisit this pumpkin when I have more time! 🙂 ) It’s only my second pumpkin I’ve ever painted/airbrushed, or my second “anything” I’ve airbrushed in over 10 years. Expect to see a few more of these painted pumpkins in the near future…. 😉
Here it is all set up outdoors:
And I can’t forget the best part!! Below is the time-lapse video I made. Like I said, I’ve gotten into a habit of recording all of my pumpkins that I make because I just LOVE making these time-lapse videos. They’re not professional quality or anything – I do them myself. And just to be clear, I don’t get paid for making them or having them on YouTube – they’re all purely for entertainment purposes. All a labor of love. 🙂
So feel free to grab your kiddos and sit them down and watch this with them. I like to see if they recognize who it is before he’s all done! 😉 Happy Halloween!