One of my absolute favorite brands of acrylic paint is Master’s Touch Fine Art Studio.
I have been using this brand of paint for quite some time now for feather painting and canvas painting. Master’s Touch art supplies are sold exclusively at Hobby Lobby stores (and since Master’s Touch is actually Hobby Lobby’s brand. It is sold in single 4.1oz tubes for $3.99/tube, as well as 8.5 oz tubes for $6.99/tube and is available in 59 different pigments. It is also sold in various sets if you want to get the most bang for your buck.
When you first lay eyes on a tube of Master’s Touch acrylic paint, you’ll notice it comes in a clear plastic tube with a black cap. At first glance the colors are extremely vibrant and eye catching – at this point you can only hope they will stay like that once you apply them to a canvas…and with a name like “Master’s Touch” it makes them sound all the more desirable…but will they really live up to their name and give you that Master’s Touch you’ve been looking for?….
For purposes of this review, I will be using the following Master’s Touch colors: Scarlet, Orange, Yellow Med, Light Green, Ultramarine, and Rouge.
Upon laying them out onto a palette, you can see the viscosity (consistency) of these paints is nice and heavy-bodied. However, if you are not a fan of a heavier-bodied paint, these thin out very nicely with adding just a bit of water.

As you can see, the paint holds its shape quite well. P.S. My camera really has trouble doing justice to the vibrancy of these paints.
Below I have painted swatches of color onto a canvas so you can see how opaque and vibrant they are. This is important to note since some paint brands look nice sitting in the tube, however once you apply them to a canvas they seem to be slightly transparent, requiring multiple coats to achieve an opaque result. But with Master’s Touch, what you see is what you get – beautiful, vibrant, and opaque color all around! Although you can thin out these paints quite a bit, I also demonstrated how easy it is to add texture if desired. Also it is important to note that the paints below are fully dry – which is saying a lot since it means they maintain their texture and vibrancy when dry. Some brands of paint are beautiful when applied, but once they are dry they tend to turn a darker shade – but I have found that does not happen with Master’s Touch.
Now with the picture below, they were not fully dry, however this picture was just to again show the texture produced with a brushstroke.
(Now personally, I do not do heavy-bodied work, but again, these paints are amazing even for thinner applications.)
And one small “plus” to note is the cap – (I have had trouble in the past with other brands and their containers. It is not uncommon for excess paint to ooze out of the container while you screw the cap back onto the tube…all the while the paint underneath the cap dries and becomes, for lack of a better word, a glue. Then a few days pass and you are left to come up with some creative ways to remove the stuck-on cap before your next painting session.) The Master’s Touch cap is made out of a special plastic that prevents this from happening. Even if there is paint overflow that dries underneath the cap, you’ll never have to deal with it being stuck.
And although I already mentioned the price above, I wanted to stress the fact that this is a GREAT price for this quality of paint. From my experience, paint of this quality should usually cost between $9-$18/4oz tube. Imagine my surprise when I first purchased a few 4oz tubes of Master’s Touch paint for $3.99 each, only to find that these paints were absolutely fantastic! And to make the deal even sweeter, Hobby Lobby offers 40% off any one regularly priced item – in store and online! Just go to to print the in-store coupon, or when shopping online, add the coupon to your cart and it will automatically take 40%off your highest priced eligible item.
In my humble opinion, these paints are totally worth way more than their price! After trying them for the first time I was hooked! So if you have been sitting on the fence about whether or not to try Master’s Touch acrylic paint, or if you have never heard about Master’s Touch and have been wanting to try a whole new brand, just remember you heard it here first on – this paint is fantastic!
If you want to find out how you can have a chance to win your very own 36-piece set of Master’s Touch Acrylic paints, stay tuned for my next post on! I’ll be posting the giveaway directions later this evening! (UPDATE: I’ll be posting the giveaway directions tomorrow! Check back soon!) – I was originally going to include the giveaway on this post…but do you see how long this post is already?….. 😉
If I did not answer your question about Master’s Touch acrylic paint, please feel free to write your question in the comment section below, and I’ll answer to the best of my knowledge. Or if you have been a fan of Master’s Touch acrylic paint and want to tell us your experience with it, feel free to write it in the comment section below! 🙂
Happy Painting!
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